Saturday, January 12, 2008

Something Something...

I went to lunch and sat in a booth. A girl sat in the big booth in front of me...she was waiting on her roomates.
She got up when the roommates came to get her lunch
Some old dude came and sat down in their booth. with soup and a sandwich
The girl came back and made him move even though he insisted the booth was big enough for all of them.
SO he gets up and sits down in my booth without asking, and INFORMED me that I didn't mind.
I shrugged my shoulders trying to be nice about it
I should have made him leave...UGH I wanted to scream.

He was disgusting...

I couldn't eat my cake. I had to look away
I picked at the icing slowly hoping he would hurry and go away.
He had a grilled sandwich with cheese and cabbage
The cheese and cabbage would kinda drop/drip down from his mouth and he would use his hands to swat it down ..It was so gross.
The girls at the other table would walk back and forth and look at me pityingly.

Finally the guy was done and I thought he was getting up to go get more food.
I grabbed my stuff and made a dash for another table ...
One of the girls said "seriously you need to Run from that table
I almost did...
The dude totally left his dishes there and didn't return.
I couldn't eat after that but I was kinda stressed so I had to sit at a table and drink juice till I felt better...
Next time I'm not having it..No more 'niceness'

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