Monday, March 12, 2007

Raw Meat

Usually I would go for chicken.
Chicken is a better value for money, however lamb and beef chunks I will get once in a while. Thanks Publix!
Lamb is really tasty, and everyone says that beef is phenomenal.

(Lamb is better)
So I look for that really fresh (pinky) looking meat which is lean.
Lean means that you see less of the white streaks or marbling in the meat, but be careful. Very lean meat means so little fat that you lose a lot of the flavor that fat tends to give to meat.
Also with less fat, in the meat it is easier to cook it to the point where meat becomes really dry.
So season well.
Stew the meat or bake it with a cover on your baking pan (350 F) all the way.
At the end of baking 450 F for 10 minutes to give you the crispy crunchy browned look :)

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