This was a thai curry shrimp with a twist. A great taste combination of Bleu cheese dressing and honey was added. It is soooo good believe me!
So we shelled our shrimp and deveined. It takes a little while or you can pay some more money have them already shelled and deveined.

Then season the shrimp as desired.

And mix like so and let that sit for a while for the flavors to soak in.

Heat oil in pan (two Tablespoons) and add green curry.

Add shrimp stir and remove from heat. You don't want to over cook the shrimp so this is a must watch process.

Put the shrimp back on the heat after a good stir and add belu cheese dressind (about 2 tbsp) and 1tbsp of honey.


Stir in and make sure the heta is on low. When the shrimp turns this light pink, give it another minute on the heat. Stir periodically.

Prepare your veges...

Serve with the shrimp