Some people don't so (spoiler warning) this post is about fried chicken livers.
This smells and tastes delicious once you are done, but even for the most brazen meat eaters a pack of thawed out livers is kinda ew to deal with. They are squishy .
So for all those people (bear) who didn't know you could get a pack of livers, here is how it looks.

Just ask the butcher at the store where they have the containers of frozen livers if you can't find them in the chicken section.
The thawed livers look just a little bit bloody.

I am just being gross for Nikki's sake here and holding up one of the livers

Well I rinse these out till the water runs clear (no blood)

Then I add one tbsp of salt and one capful (1/2 tbsp) of lemon juice concentrate (use fresh lime or lemon juice if you want), and mix.

Season your flour in a container for dredging.
I used seasoned salt, chili powder, paprika, Italian seasoning and black pepper.

Dredge the liver in the flour.

I dredge all at the same time.

Fry them up and you are good to go. They are done when they are golden brown and fir when you press a fork on them (lightly) in the frying pan.

If it still feels squishy leave it alone to fry!

I want some!
LOL...THis is why I put spoiler warnings hahahaha
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