One day I was watching Nigella Lawson (Nikki ah sorry) on NIGELLA BITES and she gave me the idea to preboil the chicken before dipping it in batter. The only thing is that she didn't season the chicken or batter at all.
So I made up my own version. I thaw my chicken.

I slow/low boil the chicken in a seasoned broth.

The broth contains garlic, hot pepper, Thyme, oregano, marjoram (italian seasoning basically), salt and soul food seasoning.

..MMmmmm broth hahah

The chicken is then dredged in seasoned flour, NOT batter.

Season the flour with chili powder, salt, black pepper and paprika.

Fry (not deep fry) till golden brown.

The chicken is succulent on the inside and crispy on the outside.

Oh so good!

hmmm... maybe I should try this with the remainder of my chicken breasts?
I think it'll be really good. Try it and let me know how it comes out!
no seasoning of the chicken or batter? I do it like you do - season every which way :-) flour, if I am using batter, season that up, if egg - season that etc
I will admit, after reading many recipes where they just patted chicken dry and added a pinch of salt before cooking, I thought, hmmm, maybe that's the way to go. The chicken tasted FRESH. Ugh. I will season the way I want.
It may be a trini thing but I have to have some flavor that doesn't come from oil or butter !
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