Take a really good read through.

It's really interesting and I really like the old cookboks from the 50's and 60's, including the Time Life series.

They always show you how to set your table, where to put everything and in what order.

However, the photographs of the food look all plastic and way too shiny! Hahaha.
I also like how they are so non PC yet funny.
Check out this title "High Society Suppers With Franks and Burgers"

Their food styling techniques are a bit extreme!

Now I am all for food styling, but seriously I think they used a lot of Shellac, or varnish, or something on the food before they photograph it.
You should keep your old books! :)
i do :) i have :) and i have momz :D
Nikki I would not have thought you would be a foodie! This is great!
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