Guidelines: My thought in this meme is food items or events that changed your foodie life. Not some “oh, it’s the first time I didn’t put jelly on a peanut butter sandwich and used bananas instead” sort of change, unless you truly feel that affected you profoundly. That’s the key - it affected you profoundly, in some manner. A moment you can look back at and say “that was a defining moment”.
The questions are simple, the answers might be harder - an item, person, event, or place that had that effect on you, and why.
They don’t have to be big splashy things - sometimes it’s something very small and simple that changes the way we view the world - the famed “butterfly effect” (and I’m not talking about the Aston Kutcher movie). So, to those who want to participate, copy this and pass it on (and, if you’re so inclined, do a trackback to the originating post). Here are your categories:
1. An ingredient
2. A dish, a recipe
3. A meal (in a restaurant, a home, or elsewhere)
4. A cookbook or other written work
5. A food “personality” (chef, writer, etc.)
6. Another person in your life
1. An Ingredient
Ok I discovered this in the Dollar store and it is an absolute all purpose seasoning. You can use it in Fish, Meat, eggs, rice, anything savory!
It is Clover Valley Soul Food Seasoning. I highly recommend this.

I have it always in stock, and at 50 cents a bottle, I can always buy in bulk. I always use this to season meat, to add to boiling, bubbling dishes etc.
2. A dish/ recipe
Well since I started my Low carb Lifestyle I would say any low carb casserole including Eggplant. Eggplant gives that Umami that I really enjoy.
3. A meal
One day I went to Carrabas (italian restuarant), before I started to low carb.

I had some pasta meal but the bread and dipping pil with the seasonings...O. M. G.
4. Cookbook...
I like Jamie Oliver's mainly because they show him in prep stages.

A good cokbook to me means great pictures and Jamie's book delivers.

5. A food Personality
GORDON RAMSAY..Stressful but fun to watch.

I really like him a lot hahahh
6. Another person
I would say Bear.
He enjoys food so much and is so willing to try new things, that it inspires me to try out different recipes.

He even had me do a booklet for him so he could follow the low carb lifestyle! YEAH!!!
aww a booklet : ) how sweet :D
what's umami :D
if i was getting a jamie oliver book it wouldn't be for the recipes :D muahahaha
Umami is another taste sensation that they recently came up with..Its MEATY
Jamie Oliver is a FOX! :) (Who cusses waaaaayyyyy too much hahah)
I got his book as a present from a friend.
awww.... thanks sweety! You're the best!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cooking! ;)
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